Participate in the Maker’s Way Survey!

Participate in the Maker’s Way Survey!

I am excited to be working on a new book tentatively titled The Maker’s Way, which will be published by Artisan, the same publisher as three of my previous books: Making a Life: Working by Hand and Discovering the Life You Are Meant to Live, Knitting in America, and Kids Knitting.

As part of my research, I have created an online survey to learn more about the role handworks plays in people’s lives and I hope to include some of the responses in the new book. To fill out the survey, follow this link. I hope you will find the process fun and thought-provoking. Perhaps it will even inspire your creativity.

Please feel free to share this link with friends, fellow makers, family, and followers on social media. The more widely this call travels, the more interesting it will be.

Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you!

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